Monday, June 15, 2009


I HATE CANCER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Once it enters your life it seems it will never say good-bye.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Berry picking again

The time flies fast and they are growing before my eyes. I'm so happy that we have our seasonal family traditions, like going to Phipps Ranch every year. It's a blast to see how much each house ape gets into it as the years pass. It was #3's first visit and I think he enjoyed the day & new experience just as much as his older siblings.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Woo Hoo!!

Kiki is having a baby, and I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Hello again

Yes, like everyone else, I too have been busy with so many other things that I haven't even thought about updating our blog. I recently took some pictures of the house apes so when more time allows I will post a current shot of their cute little faces.

HA #1 started T-Ball this month and crazy me volunteered to be team mom. Although, I'm sharing the responsibilites so it will be more fun than work. She's doing really well in school & every day it is apparent that she has been placed exactly where she needs to be. Her teachers are phenominal.

HA #2 is liking preschool a little bit more. He still protests before going out the door and during the car ride there, but once he enters the room & sees his friends he has a blast & doesn't want to leave. He misses #1 so much during the day that when the time comes to pick #1 up from school he is the first in the car.

HA #3 has been mastered the task of rolling over & now he gets his cute diaper butt up into the air to scoot around. Before I know it he will be crawling all over the place & the next set of challenges will arise. #3 started rice cereal a couple of weeks ago & LOVES it. Silverback & I agree that #3 will be the one to eat us out of house & home!

Every day we think about & miss our Maternal Love who has gone above. Kelly Corrigan stated it so beautifully & perfectly when she said "it is as much of an honor to witness a person come into this world as it is to watch a person leave it." I have lost track of how many times I have listened to her link on YouTube, and every time I cry. For me, it cannot be explained or gets any more real than this
I am now reading Kelly's book The Middle Place and it is fantastic!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Goodbye ... for now

Clarice Day Helley Goodell
June 30, 1951 to December 4, 2008
H.A. #1 said it best:
"I am really glad Mor Mor is in Heaven, but I'm sure going to miss her"
We will see you when we get there, Mom!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Deadly home robbery in our neighborhood

This morning a mother was shot in her home while her house was being robbed. Her 3 year old and 1 year old were at home while it happened. SWAT shot the robber at the scene and the mother ended up dying this afternoon :'( The Deputy Police Chief is a fellow parishioner & we know his family from church/school.

"Desperate times call for deserate measures" is what I told Silverback on the phone earlier. The economy is so terrible, people are losing their jobs & homes so people will resort to stealing because they have to put food on the table somehow. So it's no doubt that even safer neighborhoods like ours will see an increase in crimes like this. Last week our air compressor was stolen ... I'm relieved it was only that & our car wasn't taken!

Here are the details and pix:

How incredibly sad that someone in our community will be without a wife & mother this Holiday Season. My heart, my prayers, my love goes out to this tragic-stricken family. And my heart goes out to the robber too. The complete story has yet to unfold so who knows -- he could have been a desperate father himself who, apparently, made a bad decision that cost him his life. There might be another family who has lost a husband & father this season as well.

Friday, November 21, 2008

12 weeks old

Sleeping through the night, 4 hour feedings, not so many poopy diapers, smiles, babbles & coos ... these are the best all wrapped up in one sweet little angel.